Choix is a trilingual school established in 2011 in Mirebalais, in Haiti’s Central Plateau. Choix provides high quality, progressive education to nearly 300 children of families living in extreme poverty through its full-time elementary program, and also through its scholarship and after school support offered to its alumni as they proceed through local middle and high schools. Our educational approach emphasizes leadership development, gender neutrality / equal opportunity, and human dignity, and equips Haitian youth with critical thinking skills necessary for success.
Our Mission
At L’Ecole de Choix, The School of Choice, we partner with Haitians to educate and develop Haitian youth to lead their communities, Haiti and the world.
Our Values
L’Ecole de Choix believes in the paramount sustainability of education and therefore invests in the next generation of Haitian leaders by providing them with high quality leadership development education, and by empowering them to shape their own future and those of their communities, to develop their own choices and, ultimately, to change the world.
Choix students succeed through developing their own voices and identities. Choix empowers its students to make educated and informed decisions about their lives, which will impact the very future of Haiti
Each Member Of The Choix Community Is A Leadership Model For Each Other.
The behavior of each individual within our community serves a model for each other. One of the tenets of the Choix facility is its mixed age, cross-program and inter-generational environment. The adults and older students shall always feel the desire to serve as a role model while the younger students shall always feel the desire to live up to high standards.
Each Member Of The Choix Community Is Responsible For Each Other.
The Choix community seeks to be a model of responsibility and accountability. We strive to treat others as they wish to be treated; we maintain a responsibility for our community members; we care about their well-being; and we trust that they shall care about us.
Choix Community Members Are Inclusive And Respectful Of Individuals And Of Difference.
Within our community, difference shall be celebrated as an extraordinary value, recognized for the benefit it can bring to our environment, and the breadth of learning that it represents. Individual opinions shall be sought and heard; and space for debate and challenge will be a core priority in the education process. It is the policy of L’Ecole de Choix not to discriminate against applicants, students or staff on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation.
Choix Community Members Honor Education As A Privilege While Also Recognizing The Responsibility It Brings.
In Haiti today, an education such as l’École de Choix is unlikely for many Haitians and thus should be treated as the truly precious value that it represents. Moreover, as learning occurs, the growth in capacity for the students brings with it a growth in responsibility to use that learning; and Choix has use their abilities to make choices, to act, to make a change.
Learning At Choix Is The Most Fun A Kid Can Have With Her Or His Day!
Not despite the above values, but because of them, the environment at Choix is one where students cannot wait to arrive at school each day! It is a place of change, of inspiration, of excitement and bewilderment, of fascination and new ideas. Learning is an adventure that each student will take in discovering what her or his mind can do when challenged, the choices that become available when you dream, and the excitement in these infinite possibilities.
Choix Will Serve As A Paradigm.
Choix is a paradigm both for the Mirebalais educational network, initially, and for educational institutions throughout the region with respect to both the quality of education it delivers as well as its strong pedagogical methods. At all levels, its quality and processes shall bolster the Vision stated above and further inspire them to be open to limitless possibilities, to follow their dreams and to become constructive, contributing citizens.